Arogya Sandhan Santoshpur

(A registered society for Health Care and Education for less privileged)

Serving People for Glorious 25 Years ( 1998 - 2023 )

Welcome to Arogya Sandhan

Arogya Sandhan Santoshpur, a voluntary organization registered under W.B.Society Registration Act ( Regn.No.S/95228) founded in the year 1998 has been working for the health care for the less privileged people with special preference for children, women, senior citizens and challenged persons and extending all out support to probable drop-out students till self- reliant

Some of our


Our Ongoing Projects

  Medical Camps for awareness
  Charitable Dispensaries
  Hospital comprising of OPD
  Publication for awareness
  Empowerment of vision
  Learning centre for dropout student
  Scholarship for higher education
  Blood Donors' Bank

Our Wings and Branchs

  Medical Camps for awareness
  Charitable Dispensaries
  Hospital comprising of OPD
  Publication for awareness
  Empowerment of vision
  Learning centre for dropout student
  Scholarship for higher education
  Blood Donors' Bank